Cezar Nicolau Technological Highschool (Liceul Tehnologic 'Cezar Nicolau'), Branesti, was founded in 1952 and is located in Ilfov County, only a few kilometers from the capital of the country. Cezar Nicolau Technological Highschool has 682 students and offers educational services for young people from Ilfov County and SE counties.
As for the social structure of our students, we can mention the following: 30% are from urban (Pantelimon city), 70% from rural areas (Branesti localities – 9,5%, Ganeasa, Fundeni, Sohatu, Gurbanesti etc) % come from families with poor material status (considering the number of students receiving the “High School Money” scholarship and the number of pupils from single parent families), 20% of students live in high school, 30% are commuters ; 90% have parents with secondary education; 1.8% are pupils with special educational needs integrated into mass education.
We also mention that at school there is a great vulnerability to school abandonment and social exclusion because we have many Roma students (40% of them are undeclared Roma) and 4% of students do not have identity papers because parents they are illiterate and have not taken the necessary steps to obtain them.
Cezar Nicolau Branesti Technological Highschool is constantly concerned with improving the quality of life-long training, giving European value to the preparation of students, shaping them for life, possessing linguistic skills for communication in a language, having a high level of culture, to know the European values and the principles of democracy, to be responsible and exigent with themselves, so that at the end of the studies there will be no difficulties in plumbing on the labour market either from the country or from another country of the European Union.