The European Platform for Urban Greening is responsible for the content of this website. We do our utmost best to keep the content up to date and accurate. If, despite our efforts, you would stumble upon information that isn't correct or obsolete, please let us know.

Privacy Policy

We deeply value your privacy and the protection of it. We appreciate you visiting our website, but we not need to know your name or other things. Information about your visit to our website – like the IP address of your computer – are solely used to support technical decisions and statistical processing and never used to identify individuals. The data you provide when requesting information or sending and e-mail is used strictly for handling the application or response and then destroyed.

Cookies and Google Analytics

In order to better match our website to the needs of our visitors, we use Google Analytics. We hereby process personal information from our visitors with cookies.

To ensure that your privacy is protected, we have taken the 4 steps (measures) required by our Personal Data Protection Act(Wbp):

  • We have concluded an editorial agreement with Google;
  • We have chosen to mask the last octet of the IP address;
  • We turned off ‘share data’
  • We do not use other Google services in conjunction with the Google Analytics cookies

Internet Links

On our website we refer to various websites of third parties. The European Platform for Urban Greening is not responsible for the content of these websites and we cannot be held liable for the consequences of using the information on these websites.