Besides spin-off projects and other initiatives on European platform level, the regional Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) on urban greening also realized a number of spin-offs. Here's an overview of initiatives by the CoVE partners in the Netherlands.

National Roof Plan

The struggle for urban space is resolved on the rooftops. Energy production, water collection, more nature or extra social space – all this and more can take place on rooftops. However, this requires enabling laws, stimulating regulations and good funding opportunities. The partners of the National Roof Plan are working on these basic conditions to build more multifunctional roofs across the country.

The National Roof Plan is a public-private network organisation in which companies, governments, knowledge institutes and civil society organisations work together to ensure the basic conditions necessary to build more multifunctional roofs in the Netherlands.

The importance of multifunctional roofs is something the Dutch CoVE partners fully endorse. That’s why Yuverta became the first (pre)VET institution to partner within the National Roofing Plan. In November 2024 Yuverta will host the bi-annual partner day.

Brochure with facts and the value of multifunctional roofs (pdf).

Working Landscapes of the Future

The Netherlands have about 3800 business parks, together an area almost as large as the Veluwe. Often gray areas full of concrete, asphalt and stone. Locations that most people prefer avoiding as much as possible. Yet almost 1 in 3 people work in such areas, and the cournty earns 40% of the money there. Time to transform these business parks into nature-inclusive work landscapes. Areas with room for nature and people. Sites that are more resistant to damage from flooding, drought and heat. Where workers are happier, more productive and healthier.

With this shared aim more than 30 parties, including VHG and Yuverta, collaborate in the Work Landscapes of the Future program. It’s co-funded by the National Growth Fund.

More info in this news post and in this brochure (pdf).

Step into The Living, Green Building

‘Step into The Living, Green Building’ is a small spin-off project to realize a green route within the Yuverta school in Houten that will be available to visitors, teachers, parents, students and pupils. It also contains digital components, offering an interactive mixed-media experience. It’s funded by Yuverta’s innovation fund.

Sustainable, Green Route Houten

‘Step into The Living, Green Building’ is connected to the Sustainable, Green Route in Houten. Co-funded by Duurzaamheidsfonds Houten, this project features new partners Groen doet Goed Houten (a nature education center), Houtense BIJzaken (nature education volunteers) and two EQF5-students (alumni) of Yuverta.

Citizen Science at (Pre)VET As Accelerator for Biodiversity Restoration

To reverse biodiversity loss, a good understanding of the value of biodiversity, a widely shared sense of urgency for its restoration, and practically applicable, effective, measures for biodiversity restoration are crucial. Restoring biodiversity also requires cooperation between parties whose interests and perspectives may differ, and thus the ability to look and think “across borders.

In this project, pupils, VET students and teachers will work with scientists to restore biodiversity on school grounds and then monitor it through citizen science methods, focusing on plants and insects. Funded by RAAK-pro, a national subsidy for applied research.

More info here (in Dutch).

Green Work Walk Eindhoven

Led by Yuverta’s Green Livable City practorate, a study is conducted on how to make the immediate work environment greener so that it is suitable for walking during working hours. This is important because working in green environments leads to more concentration, relaxation, exercise and creativity. This research is carried out by the Practorate Green Livable City (Yuverta), the lectorate Move to Be (Fontys Sports College), Soontiëns Natuurlijk Groen, the municipality of Eindhoven and civil society organizations.

Goals of the project: 1. Development of several green working walks 2. Testing of a working walk 3. Strengthening collaboration and networking between educational institutions, businesses, and local governments.

Funded by RAAK-pro, a national subsidy for applied research.

More info here (in Dutch).

PoVE Water Scale-Up

Water is life. It is a precondition for human, animal, and plant life as well as an indispensable resource for the economy and fundamental in climate regulation. The new PoVE Water Scale-up (12632-EPP-1-NL-EPPKA2-SSA-P, 2023-2026) facilitates the further development of PoVE Water into a world-class reference point for vocational training in the Water sector. It brings together the Regional CoVEs Water that, as a result of the PoVE Water pilot project (2019-2021), share a common interest and approach in the Water sector, including digitalisation, stakeholder involvement and sustainability aspects.
The aim of the project is to integrate Vocational Excellence in the Water sector, thus ensuring high quality skills and competences that lead to quality jobs and careers, meeting the needs of an innovative, inclusive, and sustainable economy. The PoVE Water Scale-up is a joint initiative of 8 VET schools (incuding Yuverta’s Blue Hotspot and Katapult), 7 Water industry professionals, 4 academic partners and 3 support partners in Europe (NL, DE, MT, CZ, LV, EE, BE) and beyond (SA) to educate our VET students to become agile, digitally skilled and sustainable oriented water sector professionals that our future desperately needs.

More info