The vertical green virtual learning environment is ready. It introduces learners to the basics of green walls and vegetative roofs, its definitions, design, construction, maintenance and benefits. The virtual learning environment is a practical example of a blended learning methodology that allows learning to take place at any time and place.
The European Platform for Urban Greening has created an innovative curriculum for vertical green learning through transnational cooperation, led by Work Package 6. Based on the project’s objectives, the focus has been on blended learning methodologies, resulting in a virtual course that focuses on vegetated roofs and green walls, i.e. the urban green in the urban environment. The aim is to increase this greenery throughout Europe.
The course introduces the many aspects of vertical green
The course is divided into five sections: definition, design, construction, maintenance and benefits. The sections can be explored either chronologically or in their own individual chapters. The material is navigated using the metro map already familiar to project partners.
The material provides a comprehensive overview and basics of the different aspects of vertical greening, which many students or professionals in the green sector do not have the opportunity to learn about in their studies or at their work sites.
The virtual learning environment is an effective and safe platform for learning the basic principles of vertical greening, as the materials also take into account occupational safety, which is an essential aspect for those working with vertical green. Each partner country may wish to deepen and extend the learning content of the virtual environment with their own teaching materials, thus integrating the material into their own green curriculum.
The learning material has been produced in collaboration between educational and business organisations and has been created for EQF levels 3-4. AhlmanEdu was responsible for the production and 3D Bear was responsible for the technical implementation. The learning environment runs on the Wonda platform, where stunning 360 images and videos come to life, allowing the learner to see the many facets of vertical greenery, both from the ground and the sky.
Take a short tour of the virtual environment here.
Read more about the background of the virtual learning environment here.