Turning a green roof experience centre into a smart roof

1 minute read

From July 2024, various sensors will be placed on Yuverta’s green roof experience centre. This is done on behalf of the Green Liveable City Practorate in collaboration with the Royal Ginkel Group. This monitoring project is part of the BARCOVE research project.

Sensors measure soil moisture and temperature

On Tuesday, July 2, a total of 10 moisture sensors were placed on the roof to measure the moisture content in the soil. This is very important for the quality of the planting. Furthermore, the soil temperature and soil conductivity are also measured with these sensors. In addition to the moisture sensors, sensors are also installed that measure air quality.

Weather station on the roof

Lastly, a weather station will be installed on the roof. Which, in addition to the temperature, will also measure the light intensity, UV index, air temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed and precipitation. After the summer holidays, students will look at which sensors can be added to measure biodiversity on the roof.

Analyzing geographical data

Julian Sessink, student at the HAS Green Academy in Den Bosch, is responsible for converting the sensor data into a dashboard, so that all data becomes available to everyone. Julian is a fourth-year student in the AGIS (Applied Geo-Information Science) course, where he learns, among other things, to analyze and visualize geographical data.

Yuverta’s green educational roof and experience centre is a good example of a multidisciplinary project in which vocational education, higher professional education and the business community work closely together.