Community of Practice CoVEs Visits Yuverta’s Green Hotspot in Houten

1 minute read

On September 25, 2023 the Community of Practice (CoP) of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) visited Yuverta's Green Hotspot in Houten, Netherlands. The Green Hotspot is a public-private partnership in the Dutch vocational education and training system and also coordinator of the European Platform for Urban Greening, one of the pilot CoVE projects.

Building a Skills Ecosystem for Urban Greening

The visitors learned what this Center of Vocational Excellence does and how they are building a skills ecosystem for urban greening, with focus on climate adaptation, strenghtening biodiversity and the health and well-being of all citydwellers.

Among the delegates were Mrs. Chiara Riondino (European Commission, DG Employment) and Mrs. Hélène Barry, project advisor for the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). 

The Green Hotspot Houten provided practical examples of:

  • what VET can do,
  • how they are crossing border between fields of work, and between EU regions,
  • how they are developing an innovative training offer for VET students and professionals (Lifelong Learning),
  • how they implement applied research on VET levels

In brief: the Green Hotspot Houten showcased the impact they are making with their investment, appreciation and attention for skills.

Forum on Vocational Excellence 2023

The site visit was part of the Forum on Vocational Excellence 2023, hosted in Amsterdam. With close to 900 participants (on site or online) from over 40 countries, the Forum was an inspiring and exiting 2-days event during the European Year of Skills. See this news item about the recap of day 2.

The Community of Practice (CoP) of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) visit Yuverta's Green Hotspot in Houten during a fieldtrip as part of the Forum on Vocational Excellence in the Netherlands, September 2023
The Community of Practice (CoP) of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) visit Yuverta's Green Hotspot in Houten during a fieldtrip as part of the Forum on Vocational Excellence in the Netherlands, September 2023