Participants from the Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, Danish and Romanian Centers of Vocational Excellence, created as part of the European Platform for Urban Greening project, gathered on the 17th and 18th of January 2024 in Valencia, Spain to tackle four challenges related to urban biodiversity.
During the two days of activities, the four teams assigned to solve the challenges, attended keynotes about different topics such as ‘The ideal biodiverse city of the future’, ‘Green and health & wellbeing’, ‘AI/technology for biodiversity’ and ‘Ecological restoration’.
Biodiversity Deep Dive-meeting
The Deep Dive-meeting was part of a learning process, providing the opportunity for urban greening experts from 5 countries to share knowledge and best practices in the field, while generating solutions to the challenges encountered in the urban green sector. Some of the ideas will become reality via future spin-off projects.
Article on biodiversity monitoring in urban environments
As a result from this Deep Dive on Biodiversity in Valencia, the participants translated their insights and results into graphics and an extended article. See link below. The results will be presented during the Transnational Project Meeting in Romania this week.
A systematic view on biodiversity monitoring in urban environments
The list of organizations that took part in the Deep Dive: AhlmanEdu, Katapult, Yuverta, EFA La Malvesia, OKNygaard, Green Academy, Royal Ginkel Group, Worldskills Romania and RPR.